Group administration

New groups can be created and existing groups edited in the group administration.

Hint: Please note that workbooks can be shared either with a group or with all EasyMap Xplorer users. To make the map available for viewing by individuals, please generate a link (see Create public links). easymap explorer-Benutzer freigegeben werden können. Um die Karte einzelnen Personen zur Ansicht zur Verfügung stellen, generieren Sie bitte einen Link (siehe Öffentliche Links erstellen).

Create new group

Enter a name for the new group in the empty input field and then click Create.

Edit Group

Einstellungsmöglichkeiten für Gruppen:

To change the name of an existing group, click the pencil icon next to the group name. You can delete a group using the trash can button.

Rename group

Edit Group

Delete group

Setting options for selected groups

After clicking on a group, all users are displayed under Selected group. Here you have the possibility to remove users or add new users (via the plus symbol in the second line).

add a user
Add all users to a group
Delete user

Export Group

You can export the table with the listed groups. Click on Export all groups and you will receive a CSV file that can be opened with Excel, among others. In the table you will find the group name and the respective group ID.