Group administration

New groups can be created and existing groups edited in the group administration.

Hint: Bitte beachten Sie, dass Kartenmappen entweder für eine Gruppe oder für alle easymap explorer-Benutzer freigegeben werden können. Um die Karte einzelnen Personen zur Ansicht zur Verfügung stellen, generieren Sie bitte einen Link (siehe Öffentliche Links erstellen).

Create new group

Enter a name for the new group in the empty input field and then click Create.

Edit Group

Einstellungsmöglichkeiten für Gruppen:

To change the name of an existing group, click the pencil icon next to the group name. You can delete a group using the trash can button.

Rename group

Edit Group

Delete group

Setting options for selected groups

After clicking on a group, all users are displayed under Selected group. Here you have the possibility to remove users or add new users (via the plus symbol in the second line).

If you have not added the user to an existing group at the time of the invitation, you can add him/her to the desired group at any time by clicking on "add a user". In the pop-up window you can see the permission of the user in easymap explorer and filter the list by the name of the user you want to add to the group.

add a user


Add all users to a group

Delete user

Filter and sort groups and users

In the upper area of the group management and the group view, you can sort columns and filter records.

  • By clicking on a column caption, the column can be displayed in ascending or descending order. The arrows next to the name indicate which sort is currently active.
  • The input windows below the column captions give you the option of facilitating filtering by auto-completion.

  • Click on the filter icon to remove the filter.

Export Group

You can export the table with the listed groups. Click on Export all groups You can export the table with the listed groups. Click on Export all groups and you will receive a CSV file that can be opened with Excel, among others. In the table you will find the group name and the respective group ID.